Hello World 1 2 3 fun printHello(){ println("hello world") }
基础 变量定义
var : 值可以改变
val : 值不可以改变 相当于final
特殊用法: 数据类型后接函数调用:
1 2 3 4 5 eg: 2.plus(3) 2.times(3) 3.div(5)
类型转换 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 val b2: Byte = 1 // OK, literals are checked statically println(b2) ⇒ 1 val i4: Int = b2.toInt() // OK! println(i4) ⇒ 1 val i5: String = b2.toString() println(i5) ⇒ 1 val i6: Double = b2.toDouble() println(i6) ⇒ 1.0
数字中的下划线 Kotlin允许使用下划线来分割一个较长的数字,为了代码的可读性。
1 2 3 4 val oneMillion = 1_000_000 val socialSecurityNumber = 999_99_9999L val hexBytes = 0xFF_EC_DE_5E val bytes = 0b11010010_01101001_10010100_10010010
字符串 格式化 1 2 3 4 5 6 val numberOfFish = 5 val numberOfPlants = 12 var str = "I have $numberOfFish fish" + " and $numberOfPlants plants" var str2 = "I have ${numberOfFish + numberOfPlants} fish and plants"
if/else 通用写法 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 val numberOfFish = 50 val numberOfPlants = 23 if (numberOfFish > numberOfPlants) { println("Good ratio!") } else { println("Unhealthy ratio") }
高级用法 区间 1 2 3 4 val fish = 50 if (fish in 1..100) { println(fish) }
多重选择 1 2 3 4 5 when (numberOfFish) { 0 -> println("Empty tank") in 1..39 -> println("Got fish!") else -> println("That's a lot of fish!") }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 if (numberOfFish == 0) { println("Empty tank") } else if (numberOfFish < 40) { println("Got fish!") } else { println("That's a lot of fish!") }
关于null 变量默认不能为null,如
1 2 3 4 var fishFoodTreats = 6 if (fishFoodTreats != null) { fishFoodTreats = fishFoodTreats.dec() }
1 2 3 var fishFoodTreats = 6 fishFoodTreats = fishFoodTreats?.dec() fishFoodTreats = fishFoodTreats?.dec() ?: 0
1 val len = s!!.length // throws NullPointerException if s is null
数组和列表 list 定义一个不可改变的list
1 2 val school = listOf("mackerel", "trout", "halibut") println(school)
1 2 val myList = mutableListOf("tuna", "salmon", "shark") myList.remove("shark")
Array 定义一个普通的array
1 2 val school = arrayOf("shark", "salmon", "minnow") println(java.util.Arrays.toString(school))
1 val mix = arrayOf("fish", 2)
函数 main函数 1 2 3 4 5 fun printHello() { println ("Hello World") } printHello()
一切皆value 表达式的执行结果可以作为值放在表达式的右侧
1 2 val isUnit = println("This is an expression") println(isUnit)
1 2 3 val temperature = 10 val isHot = if (temperature > 50) true else false println(isHot)
1 2 3 val temperature = 10 val message = "The water temperature is ${ if (temperature > 50) "too warm" else "OK" }." println(message)
when 用法 kotlin中的when类似于java的switch,具体如下:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 fun fishFood (day : String) : String { return when (day) { "Monday" -> "flakes" "Wednesday" -> "redworms" "Thursday" -> "granules" "Friday" -> "mosquitoes" "Sunday" -> "plankton" else -> "nothing" } }
函数参数默认值 类似于C++, kotlin中可以定义一个函数参数中的默认值
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 fun swim(speed: String = "fast") { println("swimming $speed") } swim() // uses default speed swim("slow") // positional argument swim(speed="turtle-like") // named parameter
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 fun shouldChangeWater (day: String, temperature: Int = 22, dirty: Int = 20): Boolean { return when { temperature > 30 -> true dirty > 30 -> true day == "Sunday" -> true else -> false } }
类 创建类 Eg:
1 2 3 4 5 pacakge example.myapp class Aquarium{ var width: Int = 20 var height: Int = 40 }
添加成员函数 1 2 3 fun printSize(){ println("hello world") }
添加构造函数 构造函数不需要在类体内定义一个函数,而是直接可以将构造函数写在类的右边。如:
1 2 3 4 5 6 class Aquarium( length: Int = 100 , width: Int = 20 , height: Int = 40){ var length: Int = lengh var width: Int = width var height: Int = height ... }
以上更简便的写法是可以直接指定将构造函数参数变为成员变量, 通过使用var关键字:
1 2 3 class Aquarium( var length: Int = 100 ,vat width: Int = 20 ,var height: Int = 40){ ... }
init函数 可以在类中加入若干个init块并依次执行.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 class Aquarium (var length: Int = 100, var width: Int = 20, var height: Int = 40) { init { println("aquarium initializing") } init { // 1 liter = 1000 cm^3 println("Volume: ${width * length * height / 1000} l") } }
二级构造函数 一个kotlin类可以拥有除了构造函数和init函数之外的二级构造函数。二级构造函数使用关键字 constructor
1 2 3 4 constructor(numberOfFish: Int) : this() { // 2,000 cm^3 per fish + extra room so water doesn't spill val tank = numberOfFish * 2000 * 1.1 }
添加setter和getter 将一个属性设置setter和getter,可以在获取和赋值时自动调用。
1 2 3 4 5 var volume: Int get() = width * height * length / 1000 set(value) { height = (value * 1000) / (width * length) }
public : 外部可访问,是每个属性默认的类型。
internal : 一个module范围内可以访问。
private: 只有类内部可以访问。
protected: 类内部和子类可以访问。
属性的部分可见性 如果一个属性想区分读和写的两个权限,可以单独对 setter 和 getter 做private 修饰,
1 2 3 4 5 var volume: Int get() = width * height * length / 1000 private set(value) { height = (value * 1000) / (width * length) }
类的继承 默认情况下,类不能被继承,同样的属性和方法也不能被子类重写。如想继承需要添加open 关键字:
1 2 3 4 5 6 open class Aquarium (open var length: Int = 100, open var width: Int = 20, open var height: Int = 40) { open var volume: Int get() = width * height * length / 1000 set(value) { height = (value * 1000) / (width * length) }